Thursday, September 25, 2014


Can anything be added to enhance something that is already finished and complete in every aspect?

We either accept that it is finished, or we spend a lot a time fluttering around that finished something till we wear ourself out trying to add something that doesn't need to be added or to make it more complex then it is'

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Eph 2:10
I guess ya got to be an art lover to appreciate art . . .

There are only two things that can be added to a 'finished' work of Art:
Love and appreciation.
"For we are God's Masterpiece . . ." Eph 2:10

I Wonder what happens to Art that is neither loved nor appreciated?

Most a the time it just gets hidden from view.  Luckily, the Artist will always Love and appreciate His work even though nobody else might.

Art is never out of the Artists heart because that's where it comes from.  The art created, was created to bring joy to the people who Love and appreciate the art and the Artist..

"The will of God is my prosperity" He loves me and appreciates me and has accepted me in the Beloved, (that's Jesus), my Artist.

Can what is not art, become art by itself? Or does it need an Artist? 

Where does a River of Water flow from? Well, the Source . . .

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