Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A Christian man asked me once what I called my self . . .

I am called, by my Jewish brothers, a 'Messie," (not a term of endearment I assure you).
By my Gentile brothers, I am called by many other "names" equally displeasing.
By my Indian brothers, 'Halfbreed.'

My real Brother, calls me 'Friend.'

My real name means 'Beloved of God.'

He said, 'If they hated me they will hate you also.'
I have seen that to be true. Took me a lot a years to accept it.
As you might suppose . . .

Nowadays, I am good with all my 'names;' (Those that are true and those that aren't so true). I've made my peace with name calling, and I am learning to love you all.
Just don't expect me to come outta the woods any time soon. OK?

In the woods I call myself "Blessed."

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